I have loved to read since I was a little kid. I was one of I think ten to fifteen kids in my elementary school to get 1000 points in AR (Accelerated Reading, if you don’t know what this is then you do not know how cool I really am).

I read all the time. It is one of my major hobbies. I don’t really believe I have any other hobbies, to be honest.
A little about this blog…
Books are my favorite thing in the world. I love how they can open you up to new things and can let you escape from reality. Fantasy and romance are my favorite genres. I love to curl up with a good mystery book sometimes also!
I usually write a review about any book I read. Sometimes I miss some here and there but usually, my ratings for them are under my Reviews page. I may post lists of my favorite books of the year, TBR of the month, life events posts, etc.
As always, thank you all so much for looking at my blog <3
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