This week was such a good reading week for me because it was spring break! I did not have anything to do for school and did not have my night classes, so I was free to read whenever I wasn’t working. I read 5 physical books, 2 digital, and 4 audiobooks.
That is 11 books! I wish I had the time to read 11 books a week more often.
Ride On by Faith Erin Hicks

I loved this! This is a graphic novel and it has amazing pictures and is so fun. I need more horse stories. I want a huge stack of graphic novels that include horses. My horse era is beginning again. I used to own horses, but now that I moved away from home it is nice to be able to miss my horses again. But back to this story! It was so cute and touching. Little spoiler, but I love a good story that doesn’t necessarily end with everyone being best buds again. It’s good to show growth and change away from people.
3 Allison Montclair Books
Disclaimer: I work for Minotaur Books the publisher of this book. My opinions about this book are mine and have no representation of the company.
I love Allison Montclair’s stories. I was really impressed by The Haunting of the Desks. It is a short story. Most extra short stories I feel like do not add anything or just don’t have a good plot structure, but this one felt like all the other books and even though it was quick it was a full story. The Lady From Burma is one I listened to on audio, and they switched narrators for this book. I HATE that, and it made this book harder to get into since I couldn’t recognize the character’s voices anymore. But I am excited to see where we go in the next book.

Swimming Lessons by Lili Reinhart

I love poetry. I love celebrity drama. These two books combined were perfect! I have not read a poetry book in a few months and this was so refreshing. This is by an actress named Lili Reinhart. She plays in Riverdale. Her relationship (which may or may not be with Cole Sprouse) is examined in this book and it’s nice to kind of see behind the scenes how someone makes someone else feel. It always looks so perfect from the camera, but seeing behind a celebrity’s eyes is always fun.
Locked in Pursuit by Ashley Weaver

Disclaimer: I work for Minotaur Books the publisher of this book. My opinions about this book are mine and have no representation of the company.
I love this series! I will say, that this book is dragging out the lets-find-out-the-secrets-of-my-dad plot point a bit longer than needed. We should have solved that mystery in this book. I hope that there is a plan here, and hope we learn the secrets in the next book or it will just get too repetitive. Though I do love the will-they-wont-they tension in this romance and how it broke epically in this book.
I’ll Be Waiting by Kelley Armstrong
Disclaimer: I work for Minotaur Books (and SMP) the publisher of this book. My opinions about this book are mine and have no representation of the company.

AGH HORROR! Tell me why I had this huge discussion with my roommate about how I didn’t think I liked horror because all the horror books I have read (3 books) didn’t seem like horror books. Then I asked what makes a book horror, which she said she didn’t know. Then I proceeded to say, “Well these books I have read have me horrified and disturbed by the graphic images and all the freaky stuff I saw.” She then looked at me and rolled her eyes saying, I think you just described horror. So now I get it.
I will say though if that is the definition of horror this book is mild in that term. There is some great suspense involving the secrets the narrator is holding in, but once those are revealed it gets a little slower for me. BUT I still think the ending was heart-racing and I was entirely sucked into this novel. It is on the milder side of freaky, which is a great thing because who goes looking for that kind of pain?
Secrets Never Die by Vincent Ralph

Honestly, I have nothing to say about this book. I was neither impressed nor not impressed. The ending came out of nowhere, and not in a good way. It was solidly alright.
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake
I read this book a few years back and I am adding the link to that original review here. I do not want to re-review this book, but I will say I LOVE this book.

However, my reading experience was thwarted by people on the internet. I originally read this book a long time ago in its self-published form. When I bought the official book and its sequel, I was just going to start with the sequel. But, someone online told me that I needed to re-read the first book since the self-published version and the new version were completely different and I wouldn’t understand. Well, they were wrong. It was basically all the same. If it were one of those spot-the-difference photos, I could maybe only spot the difference. It was the same. I waited two years to read this book again because I was so nervous and the text is so daunting when I could have just started the second years ago.
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang

I love a good graphic novel. I need to read them more often! This book was so fun. The illustrations were beautiful. I was drooling over how well done they were. It was such a complex and captivating story. I was sucked in. I had originally planned to read it over a few days and I devoured it in like two hours. This is a great book!
A Conjuring of Light by VE Schwab

I do not think I have had enough time to process the end of the series. Truly I do not have words. This book was a mammoth. I enjoyed it immensely and wish it would never end. (Please do not remind me that there is a spin-off series because I already have enough on my plate). I am just glad I got through the series and that it was not a disappointing conclusion. I quite literally cried and the ending. So good!!
Okay, let me know what I should read next!